A week after the Covid-19 lockdown my laptop's HDD died, and swapping it out was a pain. A few other problems arose and my three-year-old HP laptop dies completely. I was able to cobble together a desktop without internet access (no service where I live). My cousin's phone gets crap reception in my room (but it gets reception); a dongle and tether later I'm able to access the IRS webpage.
Let me spell it out.
Due to my heart condition\s, and the Covid-19 crisis, I'm unable to have gainful employment. I'm also not disabled enough for any kind of help (major vital organ, really?).
My heart is good, just has some electrical problem due to a previous surgery from birth, and other developing problems (my left arm is a bit numb).
I have a lot of aggression. I'd consider it "anger issues" if I didn't have control (I'm being reminded that laziness isn't control). Sterilize-the-planet levels of wrath. This aggression is great for my focus, not so great for my health or control. After the loss of my laptop (and most of my data) I'm livid.
The government stimulated me, so I have a new laptop. I'll spare the details, it's last year's model so I could keep some money. I've meds to buy and plans to lay.
Now where was I?
Little One may have had some files corrupted, I need to re-assemble the project from backups (Always keep multiple backups). I've got some ideas for Adventures' EDGE (I didn't plan well enough for that) and ideas for future projects.
For now I'm just going to try putting all my focus into my projects, and hoping it doesn't hurt me too much. My focus and aggression can cause chest pains, but I'm not sure the precise trigger. Time for some pomodoro rushes.
Pomodoro rush:
The use of several pomodoro intervals (four or more), each focusing on a different task (two or more) in rotation. Breaks optional, but suggested.
So now, my plans:
Little One need to be brought back up and finished, need to ease into that.
Adventures' EDGE might be going 2D. It'll probably get a turn-based battle system as well.
Resources (2D & 3D) might be created and uploaded to OGA.