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Monday, July 22, 2019

Engine Driven Mechanics.

Tried adding critters to Little One. The critters were supposed to use rigid bodies and get sucked up by the vacuum. Unfortunately, rigid bodies are hard to control. Most functions that move them ignore rotations, and the ones that allow rotations ignore collisions. So the critters; like the enemies, NPCs, and player; will use kinematic bodies. You'll gather eggs and incubate them to hatch the critters. Then the critters will produce resources and ammo for the player.

Why not just use kinematics for everything?

Kinematics need their physics programmed and tend to act like static objects when not moving. Their scripts would also have to run constantly, while rigid objects could be controlled by the vacuum when collected/shot. Having hundreds of scripts running all the time isn't such a big deal, but I'd have to re-do the mechanics already present. So I've chosen to just alter how the characters are used instead.

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