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Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Maps for Days, Little One

There have been a few good comments for Little One, a farming game that uses vacuum mechanics. Currently I'll be getting a flat version of the map together to explore and make sure there are not any major problems with it. Later I'll add obstructions, ramps, and gameplay elements. The modeling program I'm using is Blender 2.8. After a slight learning curve, I've begun to enjoy the changes. Still have the hotkeys set to 2.7x and right-click for selection.

Controls will go through a small revision, making them more like an FPS and I'm hoping to have health/energy actually play a part in the game. The dialog system will be taken from Adventures' EDGE, along with a couple other things. Farm setup will still have to be done and I might give the player a few resources to make a few plots and other things to start off.

Critters and their products are still in an alpha stage, so that may take a bit of work. Open resources are in a collection, ready to be used when the base map is done. I'll setup chunks of the map so I can have better control of them. The skybox still has to be done, and I'll have a few plans to make it better in Little One.

The map is rather big and might be bigger in-game. Some sections subject to change.

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