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Friday, December 6, 2019

The Panic Mechanic

I'll just go over some game mechanics and the basics of how I'd do them. These are just ramblings, there is no guarantee they'll work in any engine and I'm not providing technical details or code.

Delta Timer.

Just a variable that starts at 0.0. You can add the delta or any number to it each frame during any process that runs each frame (or at specific times). Once it gets to an amount you want, do something and set it back to 0.0. They have a majority of uses and you can have as many as you need.

First Person Shooter:

I like FPS and first-person cameras. They're easy to do since the camera is the player. You don't need any complex camera mechanics to keep the camera with the player. Godot's engine docs have nice tutorials for this. Mostly you just rotate the player L/R with mouse movement and the camera U/D with mouse movement. The other movement keys (WADS/Arrows) are mostly for strafing. The only problem is making sure the strafing is affected by rotation.

The guns come in two main types, hitscan and projectile. Hitscan is mostly for bullet and energy weapons while projectile is for grenade/s and rocket launchers.


I know it's a projectile weapon, but if the projectile moves at sonic speeds you'll want this. It mainly uses a raycast or other pointer/area/collider. When you "fire" you check if the raycast is colliding and check if what it's colliding with is in a specific group or has a specific variable/property. Groups are great for this. Now just reduce that target's health. Adding a muzzle flash helps.

If you hit a wall, get the hit position and add a hit decal. These are mostly 3D planes with sprites on them. To avoid Z-fighting, you could have the decal raised a bit from the object center. Getting the rotation right is a bit tricky, either use the face normal or invert the player's Y rotation.

Protip: Keep several hit decals in the scene and grab them all in a list. Move one where the wall was hit. Use a variable to keep track of which decal you are using and loop through them. No adding/removing of objects needed.

Muzzle flashes are ether 2D or 3D objects that appear for a second. You can use timers, but here's a better idea. Spin the flash and make it visible when the player fires and invisible when the player releases. The flash can also turn invisible based on a delta timer that increments while the player is pressing the fire button.


These weapons "throw" an object. Rigid bodies are great for most of these. You just have to add the object to the end of the weapon and give it some speed. Just be careful it isn't too close to the player or they blow you up, BOOM!

Most of these projectiles have an area that detects "hits". You'll have to use an explosion animation or particle setup and cause damage to the hit object. I'd have several of these setups in the map, move them to the collision, and use an area attached to them to determine what gets hurt. This can play a single animation or particle effect, sound, cause damage, and then go inert and be moved away. This is similar to the pro tip with hit decals.You'll also have to remove the projectile.

Tip: An object playing a sound cannot play the sound when it's removed. Timers can help, but other object setups are useful too.

For sticky grenades, try making them a child of the thing they hit.

Sit, Stand, Lean, and Crouch:

Crawling on the floor looks fun, but doing it in a game is easier than you think. First, you'll need different collider setups or collision shapes for each position. A state machine will help, but I've never done one of those yet. When the player/NPC changes positions, just enable the appropriate collider and disable the other colliders. You'll have to use different animations when prone, but this is a simple way to do it.

Sitting is just making the character either a child of the seat, or positioning them appropriately. Disabling the character's or the seat's collider helps.


There are many different kinds of inventories. The most basic one is a list or array. I personally use dictionaries that either contain arrays or other dictionaries. You really only need the item name and amount in any slot. More complex item data can be held in another dictionary. Selecting, picking up, and using items are all more complicated.

I'd use Godot's ItemList nodes, then iterate through the inventory and add the items. The docs can cover more than I. For picking up, you'll have to iterate through the inventory to check if you have that item. If the slot isn't at the limit, add the item's amount. Otherwise, start a new slot. Those if statements tend to get rather long and loopy.


Also know as a clock or a day/night cycle. Mostly it's just a delta timer that increases the "minutes" once it gets to 1.0. Once the "minutes" reach a specific amount, increase the "hours" and make the minutes equal zero. You can figure out the rest.

For showing the clock I use a label on the HUD and use a custom font. Godot's normal font is small. You'll want to format the text output a bit, but that's easy.

The day/night cycle requires either animating the sky or animating a material on a sphere. It is very complex and I'll only give one tip.

Tip: If you need to use a sphere/dome for the sky, make it change its position to the player if it's smaller than the map.

That's pretty much all I'm going to post today. There might be more later.

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